How you can help Norfolk's wildlife
We rely on the generous support of individuals and organisations to fund our work in caring for animals in Norfolk
There are many ways in which you can help:
You can donate to Hallswood Animal Sanctuary
You can fundraise in aid of Hallswood Animal Sanctuary
You can volunteer at Hallswood Animal Sanctuary
You can attend and participate in Hallswood Animal Sanctuary events
You can rehome a Hallswood animal
You can recycle for Hallswood Animal Sanctuary
You can purchase items from Hallswood Animal Sanctuary shops
You can adhere to our garden wildlife DOs and DON'Ts
Garden wildlife DOs and DON'Ts
DO provide water for wildlife - whether it is as big as a pond or as small as a lid, remember to add an escape route for the creatures that make use of it
DON’T put milk out because hedgehogs are lactose intolerant
DO provide nesting material for birds - if you provide pet hair make sure that you have not used flea drops or similar as this is likely to transfer to the birds and their babies
DON'T provide man-made material, such as acrylic wool, for nesting as this can cause horrific injuries - other materials to avoid are human hair and dryer lint
DO feed your garden visitors - to feed hedgehogs all you need is cat food, either meat in jelly or dry biscuits (tip: products labelled ‘hedgehog food’ are often just expensive cat food, so check the ingredients before buying)
DON'T feed hedgehogs mealworms, peanuts, raisins, bread or milk -
mealworms, which have a high level of phosphate, and peanuts will cause a painful bone disease; raisins are sweet and sticky and will cause mouth rot; bread has very little nutritional value; and milk will make hedgehogs ill as they are lactose intolerant